Silencer Shop Form 1 Service
Are you looking to build your own NFA firearm such as a short-barreled rifle or shotgun? Bauer Precision can help simplify the process with our Silencer Shop Form 1 service.
With the help of our Fingerprint Kiosk, customers can quickly and easily complete the required ATF Form 1 application to make and register an NFA firearm for personal use. Here's how it works:
Start by creating an account on Silencer Shop's website or logging in if you already have an account.
- Login to your Silencer Shop account: if you don’t have one already you can quickly create one by selecting “Login” then “Register as a “New User”. From the Dashboard, go to “eForm 1” on the top banner and click the “Start New Form 1” button. You’ll then be prompted to choose whether your submission will be tax-exempt based on ATF rule 2021R-08F.
- You will need to enter a few pieces of information: about the firearm you’re applying for, including the original manufacturer, model, serial number, caliber or gauge, barrel length (in its SBR configuration), and overall length (in its SBR configuration).
- You will be asked to submit a photo: of the engravings on your firearm, this is used to ensure accuracy on your form; this is not required by the ATF but is highly recommended.
- Once your information is input: a member of Silencer Shop's compliance team reviews your application packet and checks it for accuracy (Silencer Shop compliance has a 99.5% accuracy rate compared to the industry average of 60%).
- Upon a successful compliance review: your eForm 1 will be prepped for submission. You will get an email from DocuSign, verify the info is correct and sign it. Then just keep an eye out for an email informing you that your eform1 is ready to certify.
- Certification can be done quickly and easily: at your home on your own computer, just make sure to have your ATF eForms username and four digit PIN ready!
Silencer Shop's compliance team will review your application packet and check it for accuracy. Once your application is approved, you will receive an email from DocuSign asking you to verify the information and sign your application.
After your application has been signed, keep an eye out for an email informing you that your eForm 1 is ready to certify. Certification can be done quickly and easily on your own computer or mobile device, using your ATF eForms login and password.
Please note that because each dealer is independently owned and operated, fees for using the kiosk may vary. At Bauer Precision, we charge a fee of $25 for the use of our kiosk services when the use is not accompanied by the purchase of a firearm or silencer.
If you have any questions about the process or need further assistance, our knowledgeable staff is always happy to help. Contact us today at to get started on your NFA firearm build!